
Hydrochemistry Lab Major and trace element analyses of groundwater and various extract and experiment solutions P. Bähler
Geochemistry Lab Major and trace element analyses of rocks, minerals
Batch and column experiments, diffusion experiments
P. Bähler
Experimental Rock–Water Interaction Lab Reactive transport of solutions through solid samples A. Jenni, M. Kiczka,
C. Zwahlen, U. Mäder
Noble Gas Lab Analyses of noble gas compositions in porewater D. Rufer
Petrophysics Lab Porosity and density measurements P. Bähler
Stable Isotope Lab Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in groundwater and solutions L. Aschwanden
Autoradiography Lab Beta scanning analyses of rocks and other solid materials D. Rufer
Fluid Inclusion Lab Microthermometry, Raman and Infrared spectrometry of solid phases and fluid inclusions L. Aschwanden
Hydrothermal-Lab Synthesis of minerals and fluid inclusions in minerals L.W. Diamond
Laser Ablation ICP-MS Lab In situ analyses of major and trace elements in solid phases and fluid inclusions T. Pettke
Optic Lab Optical analyses of solid phases and rocks T. Pettke