Research Interest
I am a geomicrobiologist with a geology background, interested in the impact of microbial communities on sedimentary environments. Overall, I try to track down signatures of microbial presence and activity in the geosphere, in particular in lake settings, to better reconstruct paleoenvironments.
I use a panel of methods from geology (microfacies analysis, scanning electron microscopy, geochemical characterization of minerals and organic matter) and biology (epifluorescence microscopy, DNA and RNA sequencing) to apply cutting edge approach to the field of geomicrobiology.
My current main project involves the study of the deep biosphere of the Tibetan lake Nam Co to better understand diagenetic transformation and paleoclimatic changes during the Quaternary. More details on the NamCoDigest website
I also created a scientific journal, called Sedimentologika. A journal that allows free access, free reading, free submission for all, under the model of "Diamond Open Access". Sedimentologika is a community-based initiative, and is now open for submissions : visit the website and get involved in this open science initiative on .
Research group Sedimentary Geochemistry